Dyntell BI: Made in Hungary

Mi késztet Magyarországon egy ERP fejlesztő céget arra, hogy BI megoldást fejlesszen? És ha már fejlesztett, mivel tudja megkülönböztetni magát a magyar és a nemzetközi piacon? Létezhet-e globális jövőképe egy kis magyar szoftverfejlesztő cégnek az üzleti intelligencia piacon?
A Dyntell ügyvzetője ezekre a kérdésekre igyekszik válaszolni, sok-sok magyar és külföldi esettanulmánynal fűszerezett prezentációjában.

Salga Péter
CEO, Dyntell

When I finished university my aim was to become a Nobel Prize Winner and at least to find the cure for cancer. This is why I began my study and research at the Medical School of Debrecen (Hungary, CEE) in the Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology. After 4 years I wanted to broaden my horizons but was a little confined in the science field. When I finished university my aim was to become a Nobel Prize Winner and at least to find the cure for cancer. This is why I began my study and research at the Medical School of Debrecen (Hungary, CEE) in the Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology. After 4 years I wanted to broaden my horizons but was a little confined in the science field.
So I moved into IT and since then my life has been a joy. In Enterprise Software Business I can help to create value, while our Machine Learning Team, BI and ERP systems solve companies’ problems and provide opportunities for further growth.
My passion is in product development (desktop and cloud) and building effective teams to develop great software products. I believe the key to success in any kind of work is AFFINITY and I’m very lucky because I have so many motivated and genial colleagues supporting me.